Kempo Belt Information

White Belt Level

At the White Belt level, we work with exercises and techniques to develop:

• Coordination
• Balance
• Flexablility
• Focus
• Physical Strenght
• Good breathing habits


• Stretching
• Punching
• Kicking
• Blocking
• Stances
• Calisthenics


• 5 Punch techniques
• Club techniques
• Knife techniques
• Choke and grab techniques

Mental Objectives

• Focus of attention
• Following directions
• Developing healthy attitudes, proper perspective, and open awareness for everyday life
• Self-confidence though reaching goals with hard work, and developing rudiments of self-defense applications

Yellow Belt Level

At the Yellow Belt level, we work with exercises and techniques to develop:

• Strengthening of white belt material
• Better understanding of self defense applications
• Gauging (range)
• Balance in motion
• Guarding and blocking ablilities


• #3 Combination
• Roundhouse elbow-sidewards elbow
• Rising elbow downwards elbow
• Double palms


#1 Pinion

Mental Objectives

"Wu Te"-martial arts develops spiritual enlightenment and health rather than simply fighting or self defense.

• Self-discipline
• Restraint
• Respect for human life

Orange Belt Level

At the Orange Belt level, we work with exercises and techniques to develop:

• An expansion of White belt material and principles
• Strengthening of Yellow belt material
• Foot maneuvering and distancing
• Chinese Leg Maneuvers: shuffling, crossovers, hopping, step and drag, Chinese Leg Maneuver
• Shifting body weight: leaning, cat stances
• Upper body speed: twisting, jabbing
• Unbalancing and taking down opponents


All techniques should begin from horse stance with hands in guard position

• #3 Combination with takedown
• #5 Combination Kempos
• Hammer rams head
• Double palms w/takedown
• Rolling shutos
• Step and drag


• #2 Pinon

Mental Objectives

• Recognize the space and feelings of others as individuals
• Learn to expend extra effort
• Avoid selfishness, egocentricity, and lazin

Purple Belt Level

At the Purple Belt level, we work with exercises and techniques to develop:

• An expansion of White and Yellow belt materials and principles
• Strengthening the Orange belt material
• Strong attacks from any stance: striking to different angles / kicking to different angles power though momentum
• Foot maneuvering and distancing lunges retreating and lunging
• Sparring / timing / offensive/defensive flow


• #2 Combination
• #18 Combination
• Slashing Knife Kempos
• Iron Fortress
• Crescent back two knuckle
• Hinge
• Parry bear paws


• Heian Nidan

Mental Objectives

• Humility: quiet recognition of one's ablities without bragging or conceit.
• Control of emotions: to prevent emotions from controlling one's self and lead to a deeper and more meaningful enjoyment of life

Blue Belt 1st Degree

At the Blue Belt level, we work with exercises and techniques to develop:

• An expansion of White, Yellow, and Orange belt material.
• Strengthening of Purple belt material.
• Twisting - moving the body as a unit with the waist as a director
• Extension - extending muscle groups of the limbs while relaxing antagonist muscles
• Lower Body Power - learning to generate striking force from the lower body
• Short Power - maximum force over minimal distance
• An expansion of White through Purple belt material


• #12 Combination
• #4 Combination

• #1 Kata

Mental Objectives

• Understanding Yin/Yang-The Universe functions of opposing forces which complement each other and are necessary to the existance of each: night/day, male/female, hot/cold, up/down; each contains a seed of the other.
• Tao-Nature has a flow. Releasing egocentricity, our lives can be more harmonious with this flow; therefore, more joyful, serece and stress free.

Blue Belt 2nd Degree

At the 2nd Degree Blue Belt level, we work with exercises and techniques to develop:

• Strengthening of 1st Degree Blue Belt material
• Pivoting - quickly changing foot position to maximize power, extension, or blocking ablilities at different angles.
• Inverted Power - maximizing striking abilities at close-range angles.
• Alignment - understanding natural alignment of the body's muscle and joints
• Controlling takedowns - better control of opponents in takedown situations more watchfulness to situations
• Flow - the body's ability to move in harmony with itself - the ability to put different movements together in technique


• #8 Combination
• #9 Combination


• #2 Kata

Mental Objectives

• Chi- begin cultivating control over one's own life force energy through correct breathing and meditation.
• Mushin-let the unconscious mind flow, uninhibited by the ego.

Green Belt 1st Degree

At the 1st Degree Green Belt level, we work with exercises and techniques to develop:

• An expansion of White through 1st Degree Blue belt material
• Strengthening of 2nd Degree Blue belt material
• Whipping, thrusting and snapping of limbs
• Understanding of speed vs. power
• A combination of strength in stances with relaxation of upper body in motion
• Efficiency through shortened motion in blocking
• Forward shuffling and lunging
• Timing and distancing through circular motion
• Jump-kicking ablilities


• #16 Combination
• #15 Combination
• #14 Combination


• #3 Pinon
• Stature of the Crane

Mental Objectives

• Acceptance of the good and bad points of others in a non-judgemental approach.
• Strive towards excellence (Kung Fu) in martial arts and life without harsh self criticism.
• Seek serenity by freeing the mind of disruptive and negative thoughts.
• See all competition as inextricably tied to one's opponent, as yin is to yang. Seek not to beat your opponent, seek to defeat your fear.

Green Belt 2nd Degree

At the 2nd Degree Green Belt level, we work with exercises and techniques to develop:

• An expantion of White through 1st Degree Blue belt material
• Strengthening of 1st Degree Green belt material
• Hip strength and balance in many postures and postions
• Fine point focus and poison hand strikes
• Ability to generate force from any space
• Isolation of body movement for speed
• Trapping abilities


• #10 Combination
• #17 Combination
• #11 Combination
• #19 Combination


• #4 Pinon
• #5 Pinon

Mental Objectives

• To acquire a stillness of the mind and regeneration of the body through proper breathing.
• To eliminate egocentricity by recognizing our essentialness in a powerful and beautiful universe which we cannot control, along with out oneness which we can control. to top

Brown Belt: COMING SOON! Black Belt: COMING SOON!

